Happy Friday Everybody! So are you in the mood to relax? Or in the mood to scrap? Wait a minute....can you relax AND scrap....all at the same time? Well yes! That's what Jimbo Jambo Designs has in store for you this week. A great new template set - When Pigs Fly - where all the work is already done for you. The design is vibrant, shadows great - all you have to do is get your awesome photos out, use up your favourite papers and elements from your stash...and there ...you have your page...ready in a jiffy! I personally am in love with this set as they look so different from anything that is out there in the digi world. Am planning to use one of these designs for my DS's photobook cover...now there's a thought :)
Don't forget, as always, this new set is at 20% off just for this weekend. So head on over to the store and add these to your stash at the earliest!
Now, without much further ado, here's the set:
And here is some inspiration from our awesome CT:
By Chonchon
By Diane
By Maribel
By Marnel
By Mary
By Mary
By Raquel
By Sucali
Please remember that there are new 'old' releases at mscraps that are 20% during the weekend:
and a new 2014 calendar in Portuguese at DSB:
Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!